The Only Effective Shortcut: Find Your Wealth-Building Passion By, D. R. Barton, Jr.

I’ve been thinking about complex systems and how we relate to them as traders and investors quite a bit this past month. There is no sure and real way to understand, or solve or predict a complex system in a simplistic way. I talked about this when we discussed the January’s First Five Days indicator earlier this month. At the core of human nature is the desire to understand complex systems in simple terms. And for each of us understanding our individual relationships to money and wealth is very complex […]

The Only Effective Shortcut: Find Your Wealth-Building Passion By, D. R. Barton, Jr. Read More »

Update on Cryptocurrencies January 16th, 2023 By, Nolan Loxton

If you would like to read this article in a downloadable pdf format, click here. In 2021, the S&P Cryptocurrency Broad Digital Market (BDM) Index (Ticker: SPCBDM) launched with the objective of being a broad investable digital asset universe benchmark. The index launched on July 13, 2021 and has a 10-year history based on the index methodology on the launch date. Courtesy of S&P Dow Jones Indices, The index had a notable peak in May 2021 of 5,547 and then dropped significantly until July 2021. It set a new high of

Update on Cryptocurrencies January 16th, 2023 By, Nolan Loxton Read More »

Tharp Think Helps Create Great Trading Systems By, Gabriel Grammatidis

In his various publications and workshops, Van would stress a set of important trading fundamentals referred to as “Tharp Think.” Tharp Think is a set of ideas and principles that he has found successful traders apply consistently. Some of them you have heard or read in other places but others I have only heard from Van. Having been in close contact with Van for many years now, I have experienced the usefulness of his principles firsthand in many areas including when it came time to build my own trading systems

Tharp Think Helps Create Great Trading Systems By, Gabriel Grammatidis Read More »

A 51st Anniversary That We Should (Once Again!) Ignore: The January Barometer By, D. R. Barton, Jr.

History is replete with strategies that worked for a time, then became ineffective, and were subsequently abandoned. Examples can be found in sales and marketing, product design, and in all facets of entertainment from TV shows to stand-up comedy. But the easiest place to understand the phenomenon of once-dominant strategies losing their effectiveness might be in military battlefield tactics. The bow and arrow, plus horses, were used in battles from ancient times and no significant technological advances came into play until gunpowder was first employed in the 14th century. So,

A 51st Anniversary That We Should (Once Again!) Ignore: The January Barometer By, D. R. Barton, Jr. Read More »

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