Libby Adams

Gifts From Van: Part One

We’d like to say a big thank you to all of you who have supported us with your purchases. Yesterday was our last day of sales. Our store is now closed. Also, a big thank you goes to all of you who are reading this newsletter. We have three more weeks to continue this publication. In these next three issues, we will have a two-part feature in which you’ll hear from VTI team members, partners, instructors and Super Trader coaches as we share our Gifts from Van with you. Our [...]

Gifts From Van: Part One Read More »

YOU are The Holy Grail By, Libby Adams, Ph.D.

What more common theme is there in trading than people looking for the Holy Grail? How many times do we hear these remarks from traders: “If I could JUST find the right system.” “If the market would just stop going sideways.”  “If I could just get the right entry.” The market goes up—some people are making money while others are losing money. The market goes down—some people are making money while others are losing money. How do we explain the discrepancy in results? The market is the market.  How does one person

YOU are The Holy Grail By, Libby Adams, Ph.D. Read More »

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