
Secrets and Hidden Agendas By Van K. Tharp, Ph.D.

A note to readers: While Dr. Tharp’s content is timeless, this article is from our newsletter archive and may contain outdated information, missing links or images. In the early 2000s, I took the Avatar Wizards Course twice. The first time I took the course, I pretty much skipped over a section that seemed useless to me called Secrets and Hidden Agendas. I noticed that the people who had attended the Wizards course many times, however, were spending a lot of time on that section. Why? The object of that section […]

Secrets and Hidden Agendas By Van K. Tharp, Ph.D. Read More »

Gratitude – My Journey By, Kala Tharp

I have so many wonderful memories with Van. Little did I know what I was getting myself into when our journey began in 1992. Van opened up to me a whole new vocabulary and a very different world. Let’s put it this way, life was never boring around Van. I had never met anyone who worked on himself every day like Van did. Self-work was so important to him and he always encouraged me to work on myself too. I admit that I was a very difficult student. I resisted

Gratitude – My Journey By, Kala Tharp Read More »

Greatness at a Glance By, RJ Hixson

This is our final Tharp’s Thoughts newsletter – a kind of end. Rather than being the destination, however, we have arrived at a midpoint. Before we consider your journey ahead, let’s make a quick assessment of where we are.  What a long, wonderful, rich, and transformative journey we have had with Dr. Van Keith Tharp as a guide! How best do we make a brief assessment of where we are and how far we have come? How about in two ways that Van would probably appreciate: with a model and

Greatness at a Glance By, RJ Hixson Read More »

Gifts From Van: Part Two

A big thank you goes to all of you who are reading this newsletter. We have two more weeks to continue this publication. As in our previous issue we will take this time to feature VTI team members, partners, instructors and Super Trader coaches as we share our Gifts from Van with you. Our final message, next week, on November 15th will have an article from RJ Hixson and a final Gifts from Van message from Kala Tharp. We continue today with Part Two, of Gifts from Van. Strong Connections

Gifts From Van: Part Two Read More »

Learn to Dissociate By, Van K. Tharp, Ph.D.

A note to readers: While Dr. Tharp’s content is timeless, this article is from our newsletter archive and may contain outdated information, missing links or images. If you wanted to know what peak performance trading looks like, you could examine a market genius and study how that person approaches her craft. You also could look at a genius in some other area and notice if some of his behavior could be applied to trading. In that regard, I’ve been thinking about how Einstein would think about the modern markets. I

Learn to Dissociate By, Van K. Tharp, Ph.D. Read More »

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