
Review and Discovery: Year-End By, Chuck Root

At the end of 2022, I decided to review all my transactions for the year and I’m so glad I did. In the past I’ve done only a partial review or no review at all. That’s not so good but I had done well trading in recent years and even set some nice personal trading records. The old market saying that a bull market covers up a lot of mistakes, however, rang true for me in 2022. Warren Buffett expressed the same idea more colorfully, “When the tide goes out, we […]

Review and Discovery: Year-End By, Chuck Root Read More »

What Are the 12 Key Success Factors for Becoming a Great Trader? By, Gabriel Grammatidis

Having been with the Van Tharp Institute for over a decade now, I’ve had the privilege to teach, coach and get to know more than 1,000 traders. Watching some traders succeed quickly while others needed more time to struggle their way through, I came to understand what is really important – or better – crucial, to become a great trader. These common and very important factors—let’s call them The Key Success Factors, or KSF, can be reduced to only a dozen. You basically want to make a tick for all

What Are the 12 Key Success Factors for Becoming a Great Trader? By, Gabriel Grammatidis Read More »

Market Update February 28th, 2023: Sideways Normal Market Type By, RJ Hixson

If you would like to read this article in a downloadable pdf format, click here. Part I: The World Market Model As a mild winter in much of the northern hemisphere gives way to an early spring, do we see green shoots emerging from the markets? Let’s see if there are any early blooms in the World Market Model.   The picture at the end of February is pretty similar to January’s picture—a marked improvement from the year end situation in 2022. Here are some highlights: European country markets were unanimously

Market Update February 28th, 2023: Sideways Normal Market Type By, RJ Hixson Read More »

Update on Cryptocurrencies February 19th, 2023 By, Nolan Loxton

If you would like to read this article in a downloadable pdf format, click here. In 2021 the S&P launched their Cryptocurrency Broad Digital Market (BDM) Index (Ticker: SPCBDM) with the objective of being a broad investable digital asset universe benchmark. Even though the index launched on July 13, 2021, the methodology allows values for the calculated value. Courtesy of S&P Dow Jones Indices, The index had a notable peak in May of 2021 at 5,547 and then dropped significantly until July 2021. It set a new high on November

Update on Cryptocurrencies February 19th, 2023 By, Nolan Loxton Read More »

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