
A Small but Meaningful System Design Tip By, D. R. Barton, Jr.

“If you don’t have time to do the job right, how will you find time to do it again?” —My Dad, teaching me how to properly mow a lawn I had just finished tightening a Phillips head screw that had wiggled out a bit on my desk. I was feeling quite handy (though my lovely and talented wife would surely chuckle at the thought…). When I was done, I noticed a small finishing nail sticking out at just the spot where it could scratch my leg or rip or pair […]

A Small but Meaningful System Design Tip By, D. R. Barton, Jr. Read More »

That Bird Looked a Lot Like a Black Swan – What Next? By, D. R. Barton, Jr.

Once-in-a-lifetime events seem to be coming every week lately… Nassim Taleb defines a black swan event as an event that is unpredictable, has a massive impact, and after it happens, people try to rationalize it as if it could have been predicted. According to Taleb, the three traits of a black swan event are rarity, unpredictability and severe consequences. It’s not hard to remember this type of disruptive event. Think back to 1987 and Black Monday. Or several moves in the market dives of 2000 and 2008, the flash Crash

That Bird Looked a Lot Like a Black Swan – What Next? By, D. R. Barton, Jr. Read More »

The Line That Keeps Showing Up on So Many Charts… By, D.R. Barton, Jr.

Six years ago, I covered the origin story of the saying “Draw a line in the sand”. As I’ve been doing my normal chart scans over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been struck by how often a “line in the sand” keeps showing up. The line that I’m seeing is the 200-day simple moving average (SMA). I’d like to revisit this very interesting and useful idea from a couple of perspectives: Why certain indicators seem to be more important than others. Revisiting the S&P 500 chart we looked at

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VIDEO: 7 Steps To Infinite Wealth With Van K. Tharp

In 2021 Dr. Tharp recorded this 20-minute video to outline his 7 steps to Infinite Wealth. We invite you to listen in while he covers these 7 points. In addition, he leads a short guided visualization exercise so you can envision your own path to infinite wealth. Seven Steps to Infinite Wealth The first step is massive internal work. You want to be in a mental state of personal power when you do this work. This is very important. Complete a thorough self-assessment of where you are financially. Calculate your

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