Dr. Van K. Tharp, Ph.D.

About the Author: Trading coach, and author, Dr. Van K. Tharp is widely recognized for his best-selling books and his outstanding Peak Performance Home Study program – a highly regarded classic that is suitable for all levels of traders and investors. You can learn more about Van Tharp www.vantharp.com.

A Trading Reality Check by Van K. Tharp, Ph.D.

A note to readers: While Dr. Tharp’s content is timeless, this article is from our newsletter archive and may contain outdated information, missing links or images. Having modeled success in numerous areas of trading—the trading process, designing systems, and position sizing™ strategies—it still totally amazes me to see how we are almost “hard-wired” to do all the wrong things. It’s almost as if we were put on this planet to determine how many ways we can mess up our trading and even our lives. How do you respond to a […]

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Achieve Balance in Your Trading by Van K. Tharp

A note to readers: While Dr. Tharp’s content is timeless, this article is from our newsletter archive and may contain outdated information, missing links or images. We live in a world of polarities: good vs. bad, up vs. down, young vs. old, happy vs. sad. The “win and loss” polarity is just one example of many. In most cases, we tend to judge the polarity in that we prefer one side and dislike the other side. However, one of the secrets to life is to make both sides of the

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It’s All Made Up by Dr. Van K. Tharp

A note to readers: While Dr. Tharp’s content is timeless, this article is from our newsletter archive and may contain outdated information, missing links or images. As Byron Katie would say, “Who would you be without your story?”  My goal for every Super Trader 1 candidate is to realize that your experience of life is all made up.  When you get that, you can either make up something much more useful or you can go beyond it – like Neo did in the original Matrix movie.  That idea is a little difficult

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The Old Brokerage House Game: Fleecing the Public by Van K. Tharp, Ph.D.

A note to readers: While Dr. Tharp’s content is timeless, this article is from our newsletter archive and may contain outdated information, missing links or images. When I look back at my early experiences trading, my perception is that I made every mistake that any of you have ever made and perhaps more.  In fact, I have three early memories of market disasters.  The first is my memory trading Poloron, which I’ve already written about.  I’ve already talked about how everything I seemed to remember now seems as if it

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Understanding Transformation by Van K. Tharp, Ph.D.

A note to readers: While Dr. Tharp’s content is timeless, this article is from our newsletter archive and may contain outdated information, missing links or images. Our mission at the Van Tharp Institute is transformation through a trading metaphor.  Today I want to share some thoughts on what that really means. First, let’s look at the roots of the word transformation.   The center of the word is form and to me that refers to the physical form.  You might call that the body you inhabit.   When you identify with your

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