How to Benefit from Our Trading Model, Parts 11-14 By Van Tharp, Ph.D.

In this article, let’s continue exploring the benefits of our Educational Programs at the Van Tharp Institute. You may remember from Part 1 that one of our major goals is for you to develop Stage 5 awareness in which you understand that your experience is an illusion that you have created through your own beliefs and judgments. By the time you get to Stage 5, you will be able to find joy inside of you and be happy for no reason.

Benefit 11: Clear Out Repressed Emotions and the Beliefs Locked Into Place by Those Emotions

Most people tend to resist negative feelings, so much so, that the sentiment shows up in popular culture. Consider the following quote from a character on the animated comedy series, The Simpsons and a second quote from a well-known media researcher:

Marge Simpson: “It doesn’t matter how you feel inside. It’s what shows up on the outside that counts. Take all your bad feelings and push them down, all the way down past your knees, until you’re almost walking on them. And then you’ll fit in, and you’ll be invited to parties, and boys will like you. And happiness will follow.”

Stuart M. Hoover: “Male gender socialization teaches me to resist experiencing vulnerable emotions in themselves or others. Emotional inexpression is so foundational to the male gender role that men may be unable to express emotions, or feel compelled to “choke down” their emotions before others and within themselves.”
When you resist your feelings, you are essentially creating a part of yourself whose job is to not feel that feeling and use feelings that feeling which you have stored in your body as a weapon. For example, if you have stored the feeling of rejection, then whenever you approach a situation in which rejection might occur, the part of you that wants to avoid rejection will bring up the feeling. The part might say something like, “Don’t do that or you’ll feel like this (as it releases the feeling).” Thus, in order to not feel rejection, you’ll be feeling it often. In addition, you’ll end up with non-useful beliefs locked into place such as:

  • Don’t ask for anything, or you’ll be rejected.
  • Don’t ask her out, you’ll be rejected.

Every feeling that you judge to be negative can become stored in your body and you’ll feel them all the time. That’s a good formula for being depressed and having low levels of awareness.

The secret to preventing the negative consequence of avoiding and storing your feelings is to feel your feelings fully. We use a method to help people feel such feelings in the form of a feeling release. There are many varieties of feeling release and we will list a few of them here with the source material.

  • The Sedona Method has about five forms of feeling release although most of them are very mild (,, we also sell the Sedona Method course at VTI).
  • The Park Bench Technique. Just feel the feelings for an hour per day on a park bench. (Peak Performance Course for Traders and Investors). A number of feeling release techniques are discussed in the home study course.
  • Meta-stating a feeling in a positive way ( For example, you might say, “Isn’t that interesting, I wonder how I created that feeling.”
  • Timeline Therapy as taught by Tad James and Wyatt Woodsmall. See their book: Timeline Therapy and the Basis for Personality, 2017.
  • Core Transformation: Reaching the Wellspring Within by, Connirae Andreas.
  • Transformational Meditation by Libby Adams. Libby teaches this in our Peak Performance 202 Workshop and in her 28-day course. Here, you take a negative part and merge it with your Higher Self.
  • Our primary feeling release technique is taught in the Peak Performance 101 Workshop, which involves pushing a feeling out of your body to someplace in the room and leaving it there.

Benefit 12: Personal Responsibility

As you increase your level of responsibility, you also increase your consciousness/ awareness. Let’s also talk about why responsibility is so important to trading success or any other form of success.

In the Peak Performance 101 Workshop, we have a thorough discussion of mistakes and how they impact you. We define a mistake as not following your own trading rules. For example, most people tend to make 2-4 mistakes every ten trades. That frequency will destroy the results from any system, no matter how good it is.

When you blame someone else (the opposite of personal responsibility) and when you distort or generalize your experience, then you start to develop conspiracy theories. For example, suppose Jack did something to you. You have no idea what Jack’s intention was in doing it, but you believe Jack’s action was bad. Then you generalize and assume that Jack is a bad person. You stop realizing that Jack is a process and, in your eyes, he becomes someone who does bad things. Then, you distort and generalize more by assuming that other people like Jack are also bad. Here you could refer to his political party, his race, his nationality, or almost any other quality. And then, depending upon your morals and ethics, you might think that all the people like Jack should be wiped off the planet.

You have heard me say, “The map is not the territory” so realize that your perspective of a situation or of the world at large is just your projection. With such a perspective, ask yourself if your map is useful or if it causes you pain. If your map proves unuseful, drop it and adopt other perspectives with more useful maps that will lead you to success. Thus, personal responsibility is key in this process because it is the only way for you to create lasting happiness and success in your life.

If you are into personal responsibility, take courses you believe will produce substantial paradigm shifts. When you realize that you are the creator of your life and any new idea, perspective, exercise, trading system, or lesson that will improve your map of the world, you can welcome it with great joy. If you are into blaming, then you will project your responsibility onto the course or onto the instructors. When you project your responsibility onto something, you will be asking “What’s its track record? What can it do for me?” It’s as if you will hold the course or system for your success or failure, rather than holding yourself responsible. Thus, if things don’t go well, the course or the instructor or the system is to be blamed. Until you move into a position of total personal responsibility, you will stay at the first level of awakening and have no chance at success.

Do you subscribe to a trading newsletter? Do you expect the editor of that newsletter to make you a lot of money? If so, you have a personal responsibility issue. If not, do you understand exactly how the editor thinks and trades and what works and doesn’t work? As a result, do you know when you, or the editor, makes a mistake? If so, you are moving toward personal responsibility.

Personal responsibility is one of the most important topics in the Peak Performance home study course and in the Peak Performance 101 Workshop.

Benefit 13: Finding Your Purpose and Becoming Aligned to Your Highest Values

One of my primary goals for people participating in our programs is for them to experience a huge self-transformation by finding their purpose. To complete the transformational phase of our Super Trader Program (the Awakening phase), students must document five major transformations that they have made. For many people, two of those transformations include 1) connecting with their Inner Guidance and 2) finding their purpose in life. In this section, I want to give you examples of our students who have found their purpose, plus several examples of how this has impacted someone’s life.

Examples of Finding Your Purpose:

The following examples come from Super Traders who have gone through the five major transformations required. These students come from varied backgrounds and represent many of the world’s major religions.

NF: My purpose is to increase my level of consciousness and then spread this through the world. This will include trading successfully, then using this as a platform for publishing, and finding a way to bring an enhanced level of consciousness to the world. My dream life is to be my SELF or my SOUL, following my purpose.

JS: I have unlocked my purpose in life which is to majorly help awaken humanity and the planet, and to be a conduit of love, light, abundance, and happiness for as many as possible. This is a hugely powerful purpose, and it has underpinned many miracles so far.

SM: I believe the purpose of life is to be happy, and I feel that within me. My decisions on most matters are influenced by core beliefs and values. I feel more at peace with myself and content with who I am. I have become acquainted with the essence of me as SELF. I am cherishing every moment of my life. Through this journey of time, I am discovering my SELF and the world around me and following the passions of my heart with God-given free will. Now it is a completely different picture; I am full of energy and life. My days are filled with activity that shows the direction of my journey in life.

SJ: One particular experience was showing me my primary purpose – awakening. My Divine showed me what it was like in an awakened state and how my life would be beyond this. It was the most amazing experience. I realized that life was not about trying to get the most “stuff.” It was about how rich my soul was and how I could get closer to who I really am.

AL: From the program, I have learned that I am an individuated part of God and that my purpose is to create my own experiences (e.g., manifest) and to serve my personal mission. So, before, my mental state was to wait for things to happen to me, and now it is up to me to create what happens to me.

MG: I wanted to be at the top of my classes at school and university, get a scholarship to do a PhD., get my PhD., be a famous research scientist, become a partner at the consulting company I worked for, be a top network marketer, etc. I think these goals were substitutes for a real purpose in my life. I then discovered that my purpose was: “Be Love and Peace and spread that consciousness around.” That works perfectly for me now. It defines a state of being that I want to be at, and it also gives me a purpose that has an outward focus and is bigger than just myself. It means that I will do things that promote love and peace in others or for others.
We help you discover your purpose in our advanced Peak Performance 202 workshop. For some people, finding their purpose may require connecting to one’s Inner Guidance (also covered in that workshop). In addition, Super Trader Awakening lesson 7 covers finding one’s purpose. And an outside source for you to explore might be John Strelecky’s book The Why Café.

Benefit 14: Become a Systems Thinker – A Core Skill for People at Stage 5 Awareness

Most people believe that an event happens and then that causes something else to occur later. This is one of the fundamental presuppositions of science —linear causation. Using this sort of thinking, science has provided great progress for the world over the last 400 years. Science has enabled most great inventions and achievements that we now enjoy. Here are a few examples.

Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch discovered that germs lead to diseases and Alexander Fleming discovered that antibiotics could cure them.
The United States put a man on the moon in 1969 using Newtonian physics principles.
The big bang theory was conceived to be the cause of the universe.
The discovery of electromagnetism and the development of electricity which powers our lives.
The development of the computer and the smartphone.
The development of the World Wide Web.

At the same time, the idea that one thing causes another is also the basis for blame and victim consciousness. And one of the current examples of that is Critical Race Theory[1] which states that there will always be racism of some form.

The idea of multiple causations works much better than cause and effect and is one of the primary presuppositions of system thinking. For example, modern medicine is still searching for the cause of cancer despite Otto Warburg winning a prize in 1931 for his discovery of the nature and mode of action of the respiratory enzyme. Among other discoveries, Warburg showed that cancerous cells can live and develop even in the absence of oxygen. Most people miss that he also showed that cells deprived of oxygen tend to become cancerous and use up large amounts of glucose.

Warburg said the following in a 1966 lecture:

“Summarized in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar. All normal body cells meet their energy needs by respiration of oxygen, whereas cancer cells meet their energy needs in great part by fermentation[2]”

Photo Credit:

Traditional medicine has used glucose fermentation in testing for cancer but has largely ignored his ideas about the cause of cancer. Why? Traditional medicine has been confined to the realms of biology and chemistry. When something is “off” from a biological perspective, the remedy typically means surgery. When things are “off” from a chemical perspective, researchers try to develop pharmaceutical remedies to cure symptoms. The drug industry can only patent drugs that are not found in any living things—animal or plant—but they can make synthetic versions of living things. Living systems don’t handle synthetic compounds well which lead to all sorts of side effects (as everyone should know from listening to pharmaceutical ads on television).

The medical and pharmaceutical industries make very big money treating cancer and only three methods are allowed—surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. In my opinion, the last two approaches make surviving cancer difficult. Any doctor who uses other forms of medicine can lose their license while non-medical people who practice alternative therapies are driven out of business. In fact, if your child has cancer and you don’t allow them to have the three standard forms of cancer therapy, you can be convicted of child abuse. These ideas are part of systems thinking about the subject because they are a force against any change.

Dr. Jerry Tennant, who was famous for the development and research on the Lasik device, developed a form of encephalitis where he was sleeping 18 hours per day and could only think clearly for about 2 hours per day. His doctors had basically decided he would die soon, saying, “Go home and rest. Don’t call us, we’ll call you.” As a result, Dr. Tennant[3] came up with the following ideas.

  • It’s well-known that the body needs to have a pH of 7.35 to 7.45 to stay alive, but Tennant realized that pH was basically the voltage in a fluid. A pH of 7.35 to 7.45 corresponds to a voltage of between -20mV to -25 mV.
  • Cells are constantly regenerating and they require a normal voltage of -25 mV to do so effectively. In fact, amphibians can regenerate most of their body because they have a cellular voltage of minus 50 mV.
  • However, as the cells drop to -15mV you become tired; as they drop to -10mV, you become sick, and at -5 mV, organs start to fail, but slowly over time. By the time the cells get to +10 mV, cells cannot hold their oxygen and you get the first stages of cancer. And at +30 mV, you get full-blown cancer and even DNA damage.
  • When the cells go to zero mV, they then flip polarity as any battery does and you cannot charge them until you flip the polarity.
  • Tennant has developed equipment that both flips the polarity and re-charges the voltage back to where you have healthy cells.
  • Salivary and urinary pH are about 0.8 pH units less than cell pH. Salivary pH is a rough indicator of cellular voltage while urinary pH is a rough indicator of the pH in the fluids around the cells. When normal, both should be 6.5 and 6.5 plus 0.8 equal a pH of 7.3 which equates to – 20 mV.
  • Chronic disease is always low voltage. Thus, you need to determine what causes the low voltage, eliminate those causes, and then increase the voltage to normal levels under which you can cure many things.
  • Tennant currently has five causes of low voltage: 1) thyroid malfunction; 2) dental problems; 3) toxins in the body; 4) trapped emotions[4]; 5) scars and tattoos.
  • When you have released the culprits, you then need to charge the body and provide good nutrition so it will repair itself. Dr. Tennant has developed the equipment to do this and I’m currently working with that equipment.
    The third factor in all of this is scalar energy. Scalar energy is a longitudinal energy that modulates in the direction it is going along the axis of time. Scalar waves are created by a pair of identical waves (wave and anti-wave) that are physically identical but out-of-phase in terms of time. Instead of running along wires, they tend to fill their environment and make a platonic solid.

James Clerk Maxwell developed the mathematical equations to prove Michael Faraday’s Field Theory of Energy. Maxwell’s equations linked electricity and magnetism and he also discovered other waves that were higher than the normal Hertzian electromagnetic waves. He showed that:

  • Electromagnetic waves travel in a straight line and can be measured with normal equipment.
  • The other waves, called scalar waves are 1) positioned at right angles coming off the electromagnetic waves; 2) flow into hyperspace or ether to a spectrum higher than our physical reality; 3) are so fine that they are only one-hundred-millionth of a square centimeter in width, hence finer than X-rays and gamma rays and 4) can also be manipulated into various types of modes and frequencies

After Maxwell died, his work was interpreted by Heinrich Hertz and two other experts to set the foundation for physics. These experts decided that any waves that went beyond what could be measured by an instrument at that time were “mystical” and therefore meaningless. In fact, if you measure what’s going on inside the vacuum of space called the zero-point field, you do get a reading. But modern science can’t explain that so researchers just normalized (i.e., canceled) the readings and assumed that the new value is correct.

Nichola Tesla, the inventor of alternating current, carried on Maxwell’s work and learned to harness scalar waves from one transmitter to another without using wires. This was basically free energy, however, and Tesla’s backer, J.P. Morgan, was uninterested in free energy so the project never took off into everyday usage. In fact, Tesla was sued and his lab was torn down.

Dr. Ibrahim Karim is an Egyptian architect who studied the Great Pyramids in his youth. Dr. Karim developed a new health field called BioGeometry which he says is “the science of establishing harmony between biological fields and their environment through the use of a design language of form, color, motion, and sound.” I don’t understand BioGeometry all that well but Dr. Karim has learned to measure scalar energy, making it more legitimate in the science community.

I have a device called a biotransducer that actually produces scalar energy and can 1) reverse the polarities of the human acupuncture meridians when they drop to zero and reverse them back; 2) be used to heal the body.

Now, as a way of illustrating systems thinking, let’s look at the possible causes (not a singular cause) of cancer.

  • Lack of oxygen in the cells.
  • Low voltage in the acupuncture meridians which produces a lack of oxygen.
    The five causes of low voltage.

These causes only come from looking at three perspectives – biology, chemistry, and physics.

We could also add more dimensions.

  • Psychological/emotional—stored emotions. Tennant includes emotions as a potential cause of low voltage. But, what if they are another dimension?
  • The belief systems of the person with cancer. Robert Dilts, for example, has shown that someone must really believe in a method of treatment for it to be effective. Remember that when a voodoo specialist sticks someone’s idol full of pins, people have dropped dead without any known cause.
  • Spiritual. Low awareness, blaming, and not recognizing the oneness of everything come into play here. This also includes energy healing and the power of prayer.
  • Big Money.
      • Makes profits through big pharmaceutical companies which produce drugs to treat symptoms rather than cure diseases. Those drugs are synthetic and tend to throw the body out of balance. Most drugs given to diabetics severely throw the body off and make balancing the body much more difficult. People are encouraged to take drugs for the rest of their lives.
      • The medical profession, to the extent that they are guided by the pharmaceutical industry, suppresses whatever might cure or bring the body into balance (try to treat cancer any way other than surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy and you’ll find out what happens).
      • Big agribusiness produces toxic chemicals to keep food from being overrun by weeds and pests and to help preserve the food. In addition, agribusiness genetically modifies food to make the industry more profitable. For example, farmers now spray wheat with Roundup before harvesting. This would kill the wheat unless it has been genetically modified. Agribusiness has modified the wheat’s genes by combining them with bug genes.
      • Big agribusiness has also taken the nutrition out of the topsoil through poor farming methods. For example, the same level of nutrition takes ten leaves of spinach which used to be supplied by one spinach leaf in 1975.

Realizing then that cancer has multiple causes is the first step out of linear thinking (which takes place even at a high, stage 4 awareness) and into systems thinking which occurs at level 5 awareness. Such a realization, however, is just a stepping-stone into another realization that everything causes everything. There is no separation—it’s just an illusion produced by language as discussed in Part I of this series.

This is only one example of systems thinking. You could easily create a system thinking outline of how everything in the universe is connected and depends upon every other part. For example, our earth has to be perfect in order for us to be able to survive. If we didn’t have a moon orbiting the earth, exactly as it is, the impact on the earth’s climate would eliminate most life as we know it.

Another example is climate change. Climate change in the next 100 years will wipe out most of our coastal cities, many islands, and make much of the earth uninhabitable. For example, 100 degrees-plus temperatures over the West coast plus arid conditions and massive wildfires are the results of climate change. What will happen to California – one of the major sources of food for the United States – in the next 20 years? And yet politicians act in their own self-interest, using their limited winning strategies (i.e., to get elected by their constituents) and make statements like “there is no scientific evidence for global warming.” I’ve heard this from both Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and Ted Cruz of Texas.

Another example of systems thinking is that we are going through the sixth mass extinction that scientists call the Holocene. The Holocene is directly attributable to the increase in global human population from perhaps 4 million people 12,000 years ago to 7.8 billion today. A mass extinction is when 70-90% of the species (plant and animal) on earth are wiped out. According to a recent analysis, the sixth mass extinction is accelerating with about 500 species of land animals, currently on the brink of extinction, likely to be wiped out within the next 20 years[5]. This might normally take tens of thousands of years to happen without the human race. We depend upon many of these animals in subtle ways, so their extinction could also lead to human extinction. For example, bees are dying off[6]. I’ve seen it in the news and my wife actually notices that we have very few bees in our yard this year. You might say, “So what? it’s just an insect and now I don’t have to worry about getting stung.” However, bees play a major part in the way that plants pollinate. When the bees are gone, every plant that depends upon them will also die off.

I’ve mentioned a few examples of systems thinking here. Most of them will impact your survival (if you are young enough), the survival of your children, and certainly the survival of your grandchildren. But what if you became a systems thinker and could teach others systems thinking? Everything would improve.

To understand this area better, visit one organization’s website devoted to system thinking –

In addition, we have a workshop on systems thinking and a lesson for Super Traders. Our workshop, How to Develop Winning Trading Systems That Fit You touches on the subject as does our e-Learning course, Trading Genius.

If you are able to absorb only one of the benefits mentioned in these articles, systems thinking should be ranked as the one to understand.

Special Super Trader Offer: Get ST Foundation and ST Awakening Both for $30,000 and Get Two Years to Complete Them.

The mission of the Super Trader program is to not only transform your trading but also your life. To accomplish that mission, you will commit to investing a substantial amount of your time, money, and effort over the next few years.

Regardless of your previous trading experience, you will work together with me and my team of coaches to define specific objectives for you to meet during the program and create a customized curriculum to help you reach those objectives.

There are four phases to the current Super Trader Program, and you are given a year to finish each one.

Super Trader Foundation (STF)

The lessons in this phase are fundamental and necessary for trading success. STF has ten lessons which take an average of about 410 hours in total to complete. If you can allocate 8-10 hours a week, you can complete STF in a year. The STF lessons require no workshops but you are given allowed to attend all the workshops necessary to complete the next phase of Super Trader Awakening. The ST Foundation should provide most of the 1st three benefits listed above.

I do not coach people in the STF phase. Instead, I have several experienced Super Traders approach me about coaching new STs. Bruce Walicek, Gracia Roslow, Rui Lao, and Edwin Mercado are my STF coaches. All of them have finished STA and are consultants for the Van Tharp Institute. In addition, Louise Alexander, who just completed ST Awakening, offers a regular coaching session on Saturdays to help as well.

Super Trader Awakening (STA)

The STA lessons deliver all ten benefits listed above (and more benefits we have yet to discuss). STA has 13 lessons that require about 750 hours to complete. Thus, you could complete STA in a year working about 15 hours per week.

STA requires you attend five workshops to complete the lessons. These include: Peak 101, Peak 202, Peak 203, Infinite Wealth, and How to Develop a Winning Trading System that fits You. By the time most people finish ST Foundation, however, most people will have already taken all of those workshops at least once. In STA, you are free to repeat them. I coach the people in ST Awakening.

Super Trader Professional (STP)

A great plan is essential if you are to treat your trading as a business. In STP, you will complete your trading business handbook. Your handbook could have as many as 15-20 chapters and be up to 200 pages long. If you notice you resist working on certain parts of the plan, they indicate the parts of your trading that you probably most need to work on the most.

Much of the handbook material documents what you just learned in STF and STA. We have sample chapters for you in the STP section of the Van Tharp Institute Basecamp. When I first wrote my handbook, I was able to write a chapter about 6-8 hours, about one chapter per day. I expect people entering this phase could write their handbook in 2-3 months if they really apply themselves.

In STP, we also allow you to attend our technical workshops (except for a few workshops that are privately owned by our technical staff – Ken Long, Gabriel Grammatidis, and Chuck Whitman). If you get caught up in those courses, however, STP could take you several years to complete. That could postpone your business handbook completion so I strongly recommend that you write the handbook first and then revise it if needed as you gain more technical knowledge.

In addition, the STP phase has two lessons that involve attending three new workshops.

  • First, our “new” Blueprint workshop teaches the structure of your Trading Business Handbook but you can attend that as a part of ST Foundation, ST Awakening, or ST Professional.
  • Second, the Mental Strategies Workshop (Peak 204) teaches lessons on mental strategies and is now just part of STP rather than STA. This requires our Mental Strategies workshop, which is only given every other year, but you can take it as early as STF and if you need it quickly, it’s also available as a video-on-demand program.
  • Third, you will need to attend the Trading Genius II workshop. One lesson requires you to master systems thinking — the subject for TG II. We don’t offer that often but we do make it available to STs as a video-on-demand course.

Super Trader Graduate (STG)

Finally, you will develop trading systems that lead you to financial freedom and learn how to manufacture R through mistake reduction. These two benefits are among the additional ones that we’ll discuss in the next article. Your goal for STG is to develop three non-correlated systems, document each, and get them approved by me. Once you have three approved systems, you can take as long as you like to graduate from the full ST program. Graduation criteria include you prove trade those systems at 95% efficiency or better – any time in the future. I will supervise this part of the program if you want to trade crypto systems or if you want to develop your own systems. If you would like to work with one of our technical instructors, then they will supervise this part of the program for you.

Program Pricing

Pricing for the ST program has changed over the last few years. Before the pandemic, all of our workshops were in person in Cary, NC or overseas. When we shifted to online workshops last year, people all over the world were able to attend much more easily and our classes were no longer limited to about 30 people. In addition, your travel costs dropped to zero for workshops.

The old three-year ST program required payment upfront in total for all three years or in two payments in the first six months. That was a substantial investment for many people. As a result of moving our workshops online (which eliminates your travel costs) and a new phased structure for the ST program, we are making the program a more affordable investment for everyone. We have dropped the price to $20,000 for the first year (ST Foundation) and then moved to a $25,000 per one-year period for each of the following phases. Now, STs only have to pay for each phase as you go rather than paying for three years all upfront.

Additionally, it used to take several years to complete the full ST program. With the new phased structure, however, it’s quite possible to complete STF, STA, and STP in a one year timespan. Edwin Mercado completed those phases in about nine months and Louise Alexander looks like she could do it in a year.

Let me talk about Louise’s example for a moment. She paid $25,000 upfront to do STF and participated in the GBTC offer last summer. She earned enough credit through that program to also pay for STA. She finished all of the lessons in both programs in about ten months and she believes she will finish her business handbook in two months. I’m rooting for her to do it. If so, and she finished STG in a year, then she will have completed the entire program for her initial $25,000 investment.

While cryptos don’t offer any no great opportunities like they did last summer, we have come up with a similar offer. STF and STA would normally cost $45,000 ($20,000+$25,000). But if you pay for these two phases of the program up front or in two installments six months apart, then you get two years to do both programs for $30,000 — a $15,000 savings or a 33% promotional discount. We are also offering a lot more discounts for past purchases because you are signing up for both programs together.

If you could duplicate what Louise has been doing, you could get the entire program for $30,000. Finish STF quickly and then do STA. Devote 3-4 hours per day to your ST work and you can easily do that. If you have a year or more left when you complete STF and STA, then there is no charge for STP. If you actually complete STP in the first year as well, then you get STG for free. Get your three systems approved within a year and then you have forever to complete the program—all for $30,000.

Now there is a catch – you must finish STF within a year to be able to take STA as part of this program. But we are talking a little more than an hour per day to finish STF in a year. You can find more details on our website and in this offer description.

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I don’t invest in the markets, but my law practice consists of personal injury cases, each of which amounts to an individual investment. I’ve completed the Peak Performance Course and found it very helpful in my daily work as an injury attorney.

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